With filters, you can easily select the needed prospects from your list. Here you'll find the full list of available filters.
Read more about how to use and combine filters.
Categories of filters
Personal details of your prospects.
Prospects' details: Email address, First Name, Last Name, Job Title, Description, Title, Phone, City, State/Region, Country, Industry, LinkedIn URL.
Created on - date when the prospect was created.
Created from - source of creation: Chrome extension, web interface (manually), import, integration syncing, API.
Created by - user who created the prospect.
Owner - user who is responsible for the prospect.
Custom Fields
Has notes - learn about notes.
Has pending tasks - learn about tasks.
Has attachments - learn about attachments.
Current Workflows - show prospects that currently are (aren't), or previously have been (haven't been) in a certain workflow.
Currently receiving emails - enrolled in a workflow.
Last received email date
In exclusion list - prospects that cannot be contacted. Learn about the exclusion list.
Details of prospects' organizations.
Organization name
Organization website
Organization email
Organization phone
Organization country
Organization city
Organization state
Organization address
Organization description
Organization has notes
Organization has pending tasks
Organization has attachments
Organization Created - date of creating the record of the organization.
Organization Updated - date of updating the record of the organization.
Organization Created by - filter by the user who created the organization.
Organization Updated by - filter by the user who updated the organization.
Organization Lists
Organization Number of prospects
Filter your prospects according to their level of interaction with you.
Number of page visits - filter by the number of times prospects visited the pages that you track.
Visited page date - display prospects who visited the tracked pages on/before/after a selected date.
Visited page title - filter prospects who visited pages with certain titles.
Visited page URL - filter prospects who visited certain URLs.
Received email date - prospects who received an email on/before/after a specific date.
Received email subject - prospects who received an email with a specific subject.
Received email origin - filter prospects who received emails from a certain campaign only.
Received email sender - display prospects who received emails from a specific user.
Opened - display prospects who opened any of the sent emails at least once.
Number of openings - filter by the number of times prospects opened your emails.
Opened email date - display prospects who opened emails on/before/after a selected date.
Opened email subject - filter prospects who opened emails with specific subjects.
Opened email origin - filter prospects who opened emails from a certain campaign only.
Opened email sender - display prospects who opened emails from a specific user.
Clicked - display prospects who clicked a link in any of the sent emails at least once.
Number of clicks - filter by the number of times prospects clicked links in your emails.
Clicked email date - display prospects who clicked links in your emails on/before/after a selected date.
Clicked email subject - filter prospects who clicked links in emails with specific subjects.
Clicked email origin - filter prospects who clicked links in emails from certain campaign.
Clicked email sender - display prospects who clicked links in emails from the selected user.
Replied - display prospects who replied to any of the sent emails at least once or sent you a new email.
Number of replies - filter by the number of emails that prospects sent to you.
Reply date - display prospects who replied to your emails on/before/after a selected date.
Reply subject - filter prospects who replied to emails with specific subjects.
Reply from campaign - filter prospects who replied to emails from a certain campaign.
Reply to sender - display prospects who replied to emails from the selected user.
Email soft bounced - emails to these prospects soft bounced.
Email hard bounced - emails to these prospects hard bounced.